
The Effect of Hippocampal Neurogenesis In Depression

The Effect of Hippocampal Neurogenesis In Depression


When you break the word itself down, it comes in two parts: “neuro” as in neuron, and “genesis” as in creation. Neurogenesis broadly speaking is the process by which new neurons are created in the brain, thus allowing for increased plasticity of the brain and stronger synaptic connections. Adult neurogenesis is the process by which new neurons are created and integrated into existing brain circuitry when you are an adult. Adult neurogenesis can be seen in the olfactory bulb and the hippocampus.

Ketamine's Connection to Neurons

Ketamine's Connection to Neurons

Researchers hypothesize that neurogenesis, or neuron growth, is an antidepressant action. This hypothesis is linked to the understanding that nearly all antidepressants increase birth of granule neurons in rodents. Ketamine, however, has such rapid antidepressant effects, within hours, suggesting that the mechanisms involved with ketamine are not involved with neuron birth. Instead, researchers hypothesized that ketamine’s rapid effects are due to it enhancing the maturation of neurons born previously.